Are You Listening! (Original title in Bengali: শুনতে কি পাও!), is a Bangladeshi fiction-non-fiction film written-directed by Kamar Ahmad Simon and produced by Sara Afreen. The “OPENING FILM” of Open Doors Screening at LOCARNO Film Festival, ‘Are You Listening!’ has been invited to more than 40 International Festivals including “OFFICIAL SELECTION” of 25th IDFA,[2] the largest documentary festival of the world and “OPENING FILM” of 55th Dok Leipzig,[3] the oldest documentary festival. It was also exhibited on special occasions of Conference of Youth (COY) in Paris, Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) London,[4] Cinema Louxor in Paris, Stadkino Basel in Switzerland and many more.Are You Listening! 2012 Full Movie Download
In a rare move as a fiction-non-fiction, it was released in theatre in Bangladesh on 21 February 2014[5] in Bashundhara Star Cineplex and successfully ran for four weeks. In 2015, the film was awarded with Bangladesh National Film Award as the Best Feature (Non-fiction) handed over by Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of People’s Republic of Bangladesh.Written, directed and also filmed by Kamar over a span of 20 months living in a remote coastal village (Sundarbans) of Bangladesh, it is an observational cinema inspired in cinéma vérité or direct cinema style, a genre almost missing until now in Bangladesh.In December 2009, director Kamar Ahmad Simon started traveling the coastal areas of Bangladesh, approximately 200-kilometer stretch from Bhola to Shatkhira on local boat in three months span on and off, completely unplanned. Before his journey, a tidal surge swept away the coasts of Bangladesh. On these trips he made several stops on different locations and engaged with local debates for hours on tea-chats. On coming back to Dhaka, Kamar extracted out of these informal-chats forming a script based on these very characters and locations that led him go back to them again and again. Later in this phase, for script development and production, the film won two competitive Grant Awards from Jan Vrijman Fund in 2010.[6] Kamar also participated in the IDFA Academy Summer School in August same year to develop the idea further,[7] and in 2011 the film idea was awarded as the Best Pitch in Asian Forum for Documentary held in Kolkata.[8]