Troubled by a strange recurring dream and mourning the death of her father, 19-year-old Alice Kingsleigh attends a British garden party at the estate of Lord Ascot. There, she is confronted with an unwanted marriage proposal by Lord Ascot’s son, Hamish, and the stifling expectations of the society in which she lives.Unsure of how to proceed, she spots and follows a familiar rabbit wearing a waistcoat and carrying a pocket watch, due to her lack of sleep, and accidentally falls down a large rabbit hole under a tree, instead. She enters a tiny door by drinking from a bottle labeled ‘Drink Me’ (called Pishsalver), which shrinks her and emerges to a forest in a magical place called Underland where she is greeted by the White Rabbit, a Dormouse, a Dodo, Talking Flowers, and identical twins Tweedledum and Tweedledee, who all apparently know her.Alice in Wonderland 1951 Movie Download.
Alice asserts that this is all a dream, but she learns that she is destined to slay the Jabberwocky and end the tyranny of the Red Queen, as foretold by Absolem the Caterpillar. The group is then ambushed by the ravenous Bandersnatch and a squadron of Red Queen’s knights, led by the Knave of Hearts. All are captured; except Alice, who escapes; and the Dormouse, who takes one of the Bandersnatch’s eyes.
The Knave informs the Red Queen that Alice threatens her reign, and he is ordered to find her immediately. Meanwhile, Alice is greeted by the Cheshire Cat who guides her to the Mad Hatter, the March Hare and the Dormouse’s tea party. The Hatter explains that the Red Queen took over Underland, usurping her sister the White Queen; and that he joined the resistance after she destroyed his village and killed his family.