American and Russian Special Forces capture General Ivan Radek, the dictator of a rogue terrorist regime in Kazakhstan that possessed stolen Soviet nuclear weapons, threatening to start a new Cold War. Three weeks after the mission, U.S. President James Marshall attends a diplomatic dinner in Moscow in Russia, during which he praises the capture and insists the U.S will no longer negotiate with terrorists. Marshall and his entourage, including his wife Grace and daughter Alice, and several of his Cabinet and advisers, prepare to return to the U.S. on Air Force One. In addition, members of the press have been invited aboard, including journalists led by Egor Korshunov.Air Force One 1997 Full Movie Download
After takeoff, Secret Service agent Gibbs, a mole, enables Korshunov and his men, revealed to be Radek loyalists, to obtain weapons and storm the plane, killing many of the other agents and military personnel before taking the rest, including Grace and Alice, hostage. Marshall is raced to an escape pod in the cargo hold while pursued by Korshunov’s men but they are too late to capture him as the pod is ejected. Korshunov breaches the cockpit and prevents the plane from making an emergency landing at Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany. Several F-15s escort Air Force One as Korshunov has it piloted towards Radek-loyal airspace.
Unknown to Korshunov, Marshall, a veteran of the Vietnam War and a Medal of Honor recipient, has remained hidden in the cargo hold instead of using the pod, and begins to observe the loyalists using his military training, killing some of Korshunov’s men and using a satellite phone to make contact with his Vice President Kathryn Bennett, letting his staff know he is alive.