The story revolves around the personal and professional lives of veteran cop Abraham Ozler, ACP Trichur, who at one time has to take up a serial killing case and the mysterious hunt beginsThe story revolves around the personal and professional lives of veteran cop Abraham Ozler, ACP Trichur, who at one time has to take up a serial killing case and the mysterious hunt beginsThe story revolves around the personal and professional lives of veteran cop Abraham Ozler, ACP Trichur, who at one time has to take up a serial killing case and the mysterious hunt begins,.Abraham Ozler 2024 Movie Download.
The story revolves around the personal and professional lives of veteran cop Abraham Ozler, ACP Trichur, who at one time has to take up a serial killing case and the mysterious hunt beginsThe story revolves around the personal and professional lives of veteran cop Abraham Ozler, ACP Trichur, who at one time has to take up a serial killing case and the mysterious hunt beginsThe story revolves around the personal and professional lives of veteran cop Abraham Ozler, ACP Trichur, who at one time has to take up a serial killing case and the mysterious hunt begins
The story revolves around the personal and professional lives of veteran cop Abraham Ozler, ACP Trichur, who at one time has to take up a serial killing case and the mysterious hunt beginsThe story revolves around the personal and professional lives of veteran cop Abraham Ozler, ACP Trichur, who at one time has to take up a serial killing case and the mysterious hunt beginsThe story revolves around the personal and professional lives of veteran cop Abraham Ozler, ACP Trichur, who at one time has to take up a serial killing case and the mysterious hunt begins
Options | Quality | Language | Size | Clicks | Added |
Download | Mega 1080p | Dual Audio(Hin-Malayalam) | 2.9Gb | 350 | 9 months |
Download | Mega 720p | Dual Audio(Hin-Malayalam) | 750Mb | 554 | 9 months |
Download | HD 720p | Dual Audio(Hin-Malayalam) | 750Mb | 2908 | 9 months |
Download | 4K | Dual Audio(Hin-Malayalam) | 13Gb | 329 | 9 months |
Download | HD 1080p | Dual Audio(Hin-Malayalam) | 4.2Gb | 1186 | 9 months |