Dickinson is an American comedy streaming television series about Emily Dickinson, created by Alena Smith and produced for Apple TV+. Starring Hailee Steinfeld as Dickinson, the first season was released on November 1, 2019, when Apple TV+ debuted.[1] A second season was renewed in October 2019, and a third and final season was renewed in October 2020, prior to the second season’s release.[2] The second season premiered on January 8, 2021.[3] The third and final season premiered on November 5, 2021.Dickinson takes place “during Emily Dickinson’s era with a modern sensibility and tone. It takes viewers into the world of Emily, audaciously exploring the constraints of society, gender, and family from the perspective of a budding writer who doesn’t fit in to her own time through her imaginative point of view. Dickinson is Emily’s coming-of-age story – one woman’s fight to get her voice heard.In 19th century Amherst, Massachusetts, a young Emily Dickinson is tired of her family’s attempts to find her a suitor. The latest is a friend of hers, George, who agrees to publish one of Emily’s poems.Dickinson Season 1-3 Download